What is LEctenna Tester and how does it work?
LEctenna is an abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Rectifying Antenna which features a fast-switching Schottky diode paired with a standard LED together in parallel (positive to negative), placed in a test tube to isolate the wires.
In electrical engineering, putting components in parallel means connecting both of their pairs leads together. Isolation means they are separated from other nearby objects so other electrical effects don’t interfere with your circuit.
While simple in its construction, LEctenna acts to rectify incoming radio signals into DC electricity that lights up the LED. This happens because as electromagnetic waves pass through the LEctenna device, they cause the charge distribution to flip between opposite sides of the diodes. Typically, this would create a net-zero voltage across the LED, preventing it from lighting up. But because of the Schottky diode’s fast-switching at 2.4 GHz (the same frequency as Wi-Fi) and low capacitance, this results in clipping that allows for a net positive voltage across the LED, allowing it to light up.
And there is where the "magic" comes in. Transmitting continuously Wi-Fi packet from an iPhone to a web server allows the LEctenna to harvest enough energy to light up a bit.
One of the most interesting applications the power beaming LEctenna demonstrates is in space-based solar power. Using this wireless power technology, we may someday be able to harvest solar energy in space and beam it down for use on Earth. This would allow us to collect solar power day or night, and in any kind of weather. Sunlight is also brighter in space than anywhere on Earth. This technology could be an incredible option in the future for providing clean energy to power the world.